Introduction to Containers / K8s / OpenShift

The labs in this repo were tested in a Fedora 39 system with the following hardware and software versions:


  • 4 vCPUs
  • 4 GiB RAM
  • 30 GB HD


  • Podman v4.3.1
  • Podman Compose v1.0.3
  • Kubectl v1.25.5
  • Kind v0.11.1

Preparing the system for the labs

  1. Connect to the Fedora 39 system

  2. Install Podman and podman-compose

    sudo dnf install -y podman podman-compose
  3. Install Kubectl

    sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/kubectl
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl
  4. Install Kind

    sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/kind
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kind