
Straightforward Key Management Service

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Straightforward Key Management Service

When finished, this will be a KMS that is able to manage symetric and asymmetric encryption keys. It will be loosely based on the Google Gloud Key management api.

Project structure

The project is subdivided into the following directories:

  • /src/scripts: Helper scripts for the project.
  • /src/modules: Cmake modules.
  • /src/applications/$application: Source code for separate applications.
  • /src/adapters/$adapter: Source code for adapter libraries.
  • /src/groups: Package groups.
  • /src/groups/$package/: Source code for packages.
  • /src/thirdparty/: Thirdparty libraries.

Both adapters ad package groups will be compiled into separate libraries, which are statically linked into the applications that depend on them.


git clone $repo/keyserve
cd keyserve
git submodule update --init


Building is done using cmake.

mkdir bld
cd bld
cmake ../src
make -j8

If the protobuf files have compilation errors, this is because your protobuf libraries are from a different version of protobuf. Please do the following then:

cd src/groups/ksv/ksvc



The project uses C++17 so please use g++-8 for compiling. I did not test it with clang.



As I am planning to use gRPC I compiled and installed a recent stable version of gRPC as well as its companion protobuf library.

Adding code

When adding classes (components), please take a look at src/scripts/add_class.sh, which should be run from within the appropriate package group, adapter or application directories.


All components need to be listed inside the [package|adapter|application]/members files for compiling.


All dependencies need to be listed inside the [package|adapter|application]/members files.

Coding standards

This project loosly follows the Bloomberg Development Environment team coding standards.