
Are you tired of being awesome!? get some slack with `@mvdschee/use` to lighten repetitive TS/JS methodes

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


⚡️ Under heavy development. Pin your NPM version!!!! before consumption. ⚡️

Useful methodes I use daily in projects. Most methodes you probably find in your favorite framework, but I needed something I can use everywhere.

Most functions lack proper checking as this would just add more code and I don't want to bloat my code with checks.

It's all typed so you should be good to go.


yarn add @mvdschee/use


import { useFetch } from "@mvdschee/use";



  • useFetch Some extra ease of use functions on top of fetch, like instant headers, response timing and body and query parsing.
  • useSWR stale-while-revalidate always return data while updating once the time out is over.
  • useRetry Retry useFetch a certain amount of times with a delay between each try.


  • useAvatar A colorful profile photo based on the account name.
  • useMarkdown A fast and compact markdown parser. (no support for HTML)


  • useSearch A fast search engine with support for typos.


  • useColor Convert a string to a hsla color.



  • useTokenDisplay format a number to a string display, with a max of 8 decimals.


Small wrapper around native fetch to stringify body and parse parms as an object (not doing polyfilling)

No need for a try catch, this is done iternaly.

// GET request
import { useFetch } from '@mvdschee/use';

const { data, error } = await useFetch<DataType>('/api/data', {
    baseUrl: 'https://example.com',
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    // params values needs to be of type String
    params: {
        account: 'example',
        filter: 'all',
        limit: '100',
        sort: 'desc',

if (error) // do something with the error
else {
    // do something with the data
// POST request
import { useFetch } from '@mvdschee/use';

const { data, error } = await useFetch<DataType>('/api/data', {
    baseUrl: 'https://example.com',
    methode: 'POST',
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    body: {
        account: 'example',
        filter: 'all',
        limit: 100,
        sort: 'desc',

if (error) // do something with the error
else {
    // do something with the data
// All options
import { useFetch } from "@mvdschee/use";

const { data, error, header, time } = await useFetch<DataType>("/api/data", {
    baseUrl: "https://example.com",

console.log(header["content-type"]); // returns the content-type header
console.log(time); // returns the time it took to fetch the data


SWR is a clientside caching (Stall While Revalidate) just to save some bytes

import { useSWR } from "@mvdschee/use";

// default timeout is 10 minutes
await useSWR(`unique-name`, () => getData(), 600_000);


Retry useFetch a certain amount of times with a delay between each try.

import { useRetry } from "@mvdschee/use";

const { data, error, header, time } = await useRetry({
    retries: 3, // default 3
    delay: 1000, // default 1000
    retryOn: ({ error }) => error !== null,
    call: () =>
        useFetch<DataType>("/api/data", {
            baseUrl: "https://example.com",


Fast and beautiful dynamic avatar based on account name

import { useAvatar } from "@mvdschee/use";

useAvatar("example"); // returns a svg as a string


Fast and compact markdown parser see mvdschee/drawdown for more info

import { useMarkdown } from "@mvdschee/use";

useMarkdown("example"); // returns a string: <p>example</p>

// with options (source, render as html, class)
useMarkdown("example", true, "class-name"); // returns a DOM element: <div class="class-name"><p>example</p></div>


Fast search engine with support for typos

import { useSearch } from "@mvdschee/use";

const search = useSearch({
    // simple list of strings
    items: ["example", "example 2"],
    // OPTIONAL: sorted list of strings per first character (good for many items)
    //  will fallback to items if no results are found to prevent empty results
    sorted_items: {
        a: ["account", "account 2"],
        e: ["example", "example 2"],
    options: {
        distance: 3, // default 3: max distance between characters in a typo
        results_count: 8, // default 8: how many matches to return
        results_count_alt: 32, // default 32: how many alternative results with typos to look up (caped to results_count)

const result = search("exa"); // returns [example', 'example 2'],


String to hsla color

import { useColor } from "@mvdschee/use";

useColor("example"); // returns a hsla color string


Countdown displayer, in DHMS format

import { useCountDown } from "@mvdschee/use";

// (start time, current time)
useCountDown(new Date().valueOf() - 1000, new Date().valueOf()); // returns 1S


Format a number to a string display, with a max of 8 decimals (default) and optional fixed decimals (default false)

import { useTokenDisplay } from "@mvdschee/use";

useTokenDisplay(100, 2); // returns 100

useTokenDisplay(100, 2, true); // returns 100.00

💻 Development

  • Clone this repository
  • Run pnpm install to install dependencies
  • Run pnpm dev to start the development server
  • Run pnpm build to build the library