
TI sgx userspace libs

Primary LanguageC

*                         TABLE OF CONTENTS                         *

   Package Contents

*                            INTRODUCTION                           *

This is the Texas Instruments Inc (TI) Driver Development Kit (DDK)
for the SGX graphics cores on TI Linux platforms. 

This package contains the user mode libraries and binaries for SGX. These
user mode libraries are developed by Imagination Technologies (IMG). TI 
provides additional enhancements and integration for Linux OMAP.

The kernel mode drivers for SGX are available at:


This is version 1.14 of the TI DDK based on IMG's post-beta engineering drop
(ED3699939) delivery to TI.

This release supports Wayland 1.9, TI derivative of GBM and NullDRM.

DDK dependencies: libdrm 2.4.66, libgbm 10.0.0, Wayland 1.9

1. Wayland OpenGLES application (such as weston-simple-egl) leads to an
   SGX HW recovery

Package Contents


The 'targetfs' folder contains the user mode modules of SGX DDK for TI

*                         TARGET SETUP                              *

Consult the TI base system setup documentation for instructions on
setting up your target device including boot loader, kernel, and
Arago filesystem. 

*                         INSTALL                                   *

The procedure to install the DDK user mode libraries is given below.
Refer to the README in https://git.ti.com/graphics/omap5-sgx-ddk-linux
for building and installing the kernel mode driver.

Untar the package and run the following commands on the host with the 
target filesystem mounted:

host $ export DISCIMAGE=<path_to_target_root_filesystem>
host $ export TARGET_PRODUCT=<SoC value>
       # allowed values are: 
       # ti335x = All AM33x derivatives
       # ti437x = All AM43x derivatives
       # jacinto6evm = All DRA7xx / AM57x derivatives
host $ cd <path_to_package>
host $ sudo -E make install

*                         LOAD                                      *

The procedure to load the DDK kernel drivers is given below. 


The pvrsrvkm driver is expected to be loaded before an OpenGLES 
application can be exercised. The rc.pvr handles the loading of the 
necessary DRM driver.

target $ /etc/init.d/rc.pvr start

*                         TEST                                      *

The DDK has been verified using the kmscube test application that has 
been included with the SDK file system. This application uses DRM/KMS
and GBM to render a rotating cube on the screen.

Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the user libraries and Wayland 

target $ kmscube

The DDK has been verified using Weston compositor that has been included
with the SDK file system. This application uses Wayland.

target $ weston --tty=1 --idle-time=0