
SharpShareFinder is a minimalistic network share discovery POC designed to enumerate shares in Windows Active Directory networks leveraging .NET parallelism.

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

                   _  _   _____ _                   ______ _           _           
                 _| || |_/  ___| |                  |  ___(_)         | |          
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SharpShareFinder is a minimalistic network share discovery POC tool designed to enumerate shares in Windows Active Directory networks. Written in C#, it leverages .NET parallelism for efficient scanning. Initially conceived as a simulation tool for building detection rules, it may also be used for security assessments.

It was released as part of the security blog post publication and research, Sharing is Not Caring: Hunting for Network Share Discovery.

At its current iteration, it follows a three-step process:

  1. Domain Controller Identification: Utilizes the DsGetDcName function from NetApi32.dll to identify a domain controller.

  2. Host Enumeration: Uses the identified domain controller to enumerate all domain-joined computers via Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). It leverages functions from Wldap32.dll such as ldap_init and ldap_search_st.

  3. Share Enumeration: Enumerates and prints all available network shares for each identified host using the NetShareEnum API function from Netapi32.dll.
