Dependencies: ruby, sqlite3
- Place the included ruby script dl somewhere on your path.
- Insert this code into your .bash_aliases file:
cd_to_alias() {
path=`dl find $1`
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
cd $path
echo $path
alias go="cd_to_alias $1"
usage: dl <command> [<alias>]
Available commands are:
add Store a new directory alias
remove Remove an existing alias
update Alter path associated with alias
list List all known alias->path pairs
find Find directory corresponding to given alias
export Output yaml file containing all paths
import Import paths from a given yaml file
wipe Remove all stored alias->path pairs
To assign a shortcut alias to the current directory:
$ dl add short
Where short is the name you wish to associate with this path.
If you created a cd command alias as shown above, you can then type:
$ go short
This will change directory to the path associated with short.
To remove an alias, just use:
$ dl remove short