
  • This is an implementation of simple User Hierarchy.
  • No third party libraries are being used except for PHPUnit


  • Run composer install in the app's root directory

What you need to see here?

  1. main.php
    • Runs application
      • Modify the data as needed inside the file
    • Run in your terminal with php installed php src/main.php <id-of-user>
      • Example: php src/main.php 1
      • The above will display the given user's subordinates including subordinate's subordinates
  2. src/
    • Contracts - Interfaces, helps to deal with abstraction instead of concretion
      • Persistence - contains interfaces for storage classes.
        • In this application, a simple storage interface is supported with basic inserting, retrieving single record, and getting all records.
      • Repositories - contains interfaces for repository classes that deals with database interactions
      • Services - contains interfaces for service classes that handles business logic
    • Entities - An object representation of an entity or a record in db (e.g user, role).
    • Exceptions - Custom exceptions thrown by the application
    • Factories - Contains logic for creating objects
    • Persistence - Contains classes for storage/db implementation.
      • In this application, a simple storage is used - an InMemory storage
      • Any storage implementation will go here that implements persistence interface and can be injected into the Repositories
    • Repositories
      • Contains classes that provides abstraction of data. Handles database interactions such as storing/fetching with clear interfaces.
    • Services
      • All business logic goes here.
    • Utilities
      • Helper classes/methods
  3. tests/
    • Run test via : vendor/bin/phpunit