Monte Carlo Python SDK Examples

These examples use Pycarlo, Monte Carlo's Python SDK.

Example list

Very brief descriptions of the examples and the link to the main example/project file are provided here. For more information on an example, look at the source file.

Insights Reporting

Example Topic Discussion
Import Insights to BigQuery Script to import Monte Carlo's insight reports directly to BigQuery.
Import Insights to Databricks Script to import Monte Carlo's insight reports directly to Databricks.

Tagging Assets

Example Topic Discussion
Key Asset Tagger A script that will take all Key Asset Importance Scores and add them as a tag.


Example Topic Discussion
Add External Lineage An exmaple class and execution to make adding an external lineage node and a set of edges to that new node.
Reports in Database Schema A script that will provide a list of all Looker reports used by tables in a specific schema.
Get All Tables Upstream from a Report Outputs a csv of any DWH/DL tables upstream from an inputted BI Report.
Get Recent Incidents Upstream from a Report Prints a boolean (if there is any incidents) if there are upstream incidents and a list of affected upstream tables from an inputted BI Report.
Get Downstream Assets from an Asset Fetches all downstream assets from a specified asset to a csv.
Get Lineage Graph for All Tables Fetches all tables and edges, saves to csv files.