
Reproduction of error compiling CSS using turbo pack in nextjs 14.2

Primary LanguageJavaScript

nextjs 14.2 turbo issue

This repo reproduces an issue in nextjs 14.2 using the --turbo flag. CSS rules with :is() seem to be discarded. The issue appears to have been introduced in 14.2.0-canary-14. It only appears in developemnt.

This repo has an very simple nextjs site with a single checkbox. It is styled (via src/app/global.css) to have large margin using:

.cb:is(input:checked) {
  margin: 3rem;

Not Working:

The main (or not-ok) branch uses nextjs 14.2.0-canary-14. In development, it generates .next/static/chunks/src_app_globals_b52d8e.css:

/* [project]/src/app/globals.css [app-client] (css) */
.cbinput:checked {
  margin: 3rem;

/*# sourceMappingURL=src_app_globals_b52d8e.css.map*/


The ok branch is identical to main except it uses nextjs 14.2.0-canary-13. In development, it generates .next/static/chunks/src_app_globals_b52d8e.css:

/* [project]/src/app/globals.css [app-client] (css) */
.cb:is(input:checked) {
  margin: 3rem;
/*# sourceMappingURL=src_app_globals_b52d8e.css.map*/

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.