
my dotfiles and setup scripts

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my dotfiles and setup scripts.

Tested fully on

  • OS X 10.9.4

and partially on

  • Ubuntu 14.04.1

First Time Install

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL raw.github.com/mvhenderson/dotfiles/master/bin/dotfiles)"


  • Answer prompts
  • Change hotkey to -Space
  • Add powerpack license
  • Setup config sync
  • brew cask alfred link


  • Make sure Dash starts at login
  • Setup user to hide window on login
  • Alfred integration workflow

Sublime Text 3


  • Start it up, make sure it is set to launch at login


  • Run osx from the terminal
  • Open Sublime Text, ignore the errors while package manager installs modules


  • Load Solorized colors into default profile
  • Setup hotkey window to use ⌥-Space
  • Change the selection color to base2 (alt light background)

Encrypted Cloud

Create an encrypted directory for sync to a cloud service like Dropbox. This will encrypt files before uploading. See the links in ./bin/private-cloud for more detail.

  • Create directory ~/Private
  • Add encfs to keychain
    • Open Keychain Access.app
    • Add item named encfs with account encfs
    • Add password for encrypted folder
  • login-add ~/.dotfiles/login/dropbox-private.app true


  • May have to remove Bluetooth and Clock menu items manually
  • Setup the dock
  • Wait for spotlight to finish reindex
  • Restart
