
Issabel pbx dockerfile

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Issabel PBX

Issabel for Docker in centos 7 (development - not production)


$ docker run --privileged --restart=always --name issabel -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro -dti --hostname pbx  deathmetall/issabel:latest
$ docker exec -it issabel ./install.sh

This process is necessary to install issabel within the centos image with systemd, after the installation we create a new image from it with our pbx configured.

This image is designed to be used as a host leaving available ports 80 and 443 which I am using with Traefik, port 80 and 443 are still exposed in the image.

$ docker commit issabel deathmetall/issabel:live
$ docker rm -f issabel


$ docker run --restart=always --name issabel \
        --privileged -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro \
        -v issabel-etc:/etc -v issabel-data:/var/lib \
        -dti --hostname pbx.saiyans.com.ve --network host \


This compose is designed to be used as a host leaving available ports 80 and 443

$ git clone https://github.com/tomasmetal23/Issabel.git

to configure the apache ports edit the ssl.conf and httpd.conf files that were downloaded from the repository.

$ docker-compose up -d



I think that an optimal image for production should have each service separated into another image, example: apache/issabel, mysql/issabel.

