
Too Cool for School

Primary LanguagePython

ngram.py - Uni/Bi-gram finder and sentence generator

	Run from the command line using the following command
		python ngram.py -f <filename> [options]

	<filename> is the path to the corpus file you would like to parse

		 -s enables stemming
			default: disabled
			python ngram.py -f Dataset3/train.txt -s
		 -f <filename> adds <filename> to the train set
			python ngram.py -f Dataset3/Train.txt -f Dataset3/Test.txt
		 -pp <filename> calculates the perplexity of the model given <filename> as test data
		    python ngram.py -f Dataset3/Train.txt -pp Dataset3/Test.txt

		 -w <word> sets <word> as the first word in the sentence generator, otherwise chosen randomly
			default: random word from corpus
			python ngram.py -f Dataset3/Train.txt -w once

		 -l <length> sets the minimum sentence length to the number <length>
			default: 20	

		 -p <length> sets the passage length to the number <length>
			default: 100

		python ngram.py -f Dataset3/Train.txt -f Dataset3/Test.txt -w the -l 15 -p 5 -s