
Simple and flexible router publisher for express and restify

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple and flexible router publisher for express and restify


    npm install --save node-node-lite-router


Choosing an Implementation

node-lite-router has a two main implementations to be chosen: restify and express, booth of them share the same api.


To use LiteRouter in restify

const LiteRouter = require("node-lite-router").restify;
const routesDefinition = require("./path_to/routes_definition.js");

let routerHandler = LiteRouter.init({
    controllers: controllers,
    middlewares: middlewares

routerHandler.publishRoutes(routesDefinition).then((router) => {
    //do something with the created router


To use LiteRouter in express

const LiteRouter = require("node-lite-router").express;
const routesDefinition = require("./path_to/routes_definition.js");

let routerHandler = LiteRouter.init({
    controllers: controllers,
    middlewares: middlewares

routerHandler.publishRoutes(routesDefinition).then((router) => {
    //do something with the created router

Note that in booth cases LiteRouter.init method takes two parameters: controllers and middlewares, these can be an array of modules(loaded via mod-loader for example) or a string pointing to a directory.

If you specify a directory name, then liteRouter will execute require on the specified path so you may want to use bootstraping for controllers and middlewares.

Route Definition

In order to use node-lite-router you have to use a route definition; a json array used to create a router with the following syntax:

        "middlewares": [

It also can be expressed as a javascript module

module.exports = [
        middlewares: [
            (req,res,next)=> {
                console.log("Hi there just passing by")

The following table show the parameters required to configure a route definition

field description Example
httpVerb Http verb to be published in the route get
route Endpoint to be published /tasks
action ControllerName?actionName to be executed TaskController?findAll
middlewares List of middlewares [ "visitCounter" ]

actionString syntax

As you may noticed the action parameter follows a syntax like taskController?findAll, this is a syntax I've decided to call actionString is a simple way of representing class and method invocation, LiteRouter knows that you are specifying a class?method binding to a route.

The same goes for middlewares if you specify a middleware as a string it will look for them in the middlewares object, however if LiteRouter detects actionString syntax it will try to resolve your middleware as a method from a class.

In this example we define a update action with the verb PUT for a route identified for /tasks/:task_id in the middlewares you can see two entries:

  • visitCounter: A simple middleware that is going to bee looked up into middlewares object.
  • TasksController?exists: An actionString specifying that TasksController has a method called exists that will be threated as a middleware for the execution stack.
module.exports = [
        middlewares: [

For this example the TasksController will look like this:

class TasksController {
    update(req,res) {
        //update logic

    exits(req,res,next) {
        if(exits...) {
            return next()
        } else {
            return res.status(404).send(...)

Running Examples

To have a clear idea of how node-lite-router works you have two examples for running apis with express and restify.


    npm test

Generating docs

    npm generate-docs

Why node-lite-router

node-lite-router allows you to encapsulate route publishing and middleware organizing as externalized files, this enable a modular development with a fine separation of concerns for your express & restify REST Apis.


Somebody has the name lite-router in the npm registry :D