
Standardized Environment for R-studio Server.

Primary LanguageRuby

Using R With Relational Databases


Would you like to learn how R is used to advance valuable information from data stored in relational databases? With the proliferation of data and increased reliance on data-driven knowledge, many companies need skilled individuals who can extract meaningful information form data in order to drive informed decisions.

This intermediate workshop offered at the 2018 Cascadia-R conference, will introduce you to various methods of using R with databases to derive valuable information from data. The workshop will give you hands-on experience in the following areas:

  • how to connect to a database from R.
  • how to create and manage database objects.
  • how to issue SQL queries to retrieve and transform your data using R.


Please be sure to have the following software installed on your machine before the workshop date. If you already have Virtual box and/or Vagrant installed on your machine, you do not have to install the software below. Additional material will be provided during the workshop.


  • Please follow the instructions for your OS and architecture (i.e install 32 bit software for a 32 bit machine and 64 bit software for a 64 bit machine). Needless to say, 64 bit binaries are not compatible with 32 OS and will result in software version incompatability.

Windows Users

Install virtual box for windows using the link below:

Install vagrant for windows using the link below:

Mac /Linux Users

Install vagrant for mac/linux using the link below:

Install virtual box for mac/linux using the link below:

Next steps after installing the software above

How to use vagrant

Step 1

  • Open your command prompt and move into vagrant directory containing the 'vagrantfile'.

Step 2

  • To start vagrant, type the following command in your command prompt: Vagrant up

Step 3

  • Open your browser and run R-studio server: type -> localhost:8787

Step 4

  • user and passord to R-studio server: vagrant