
A tiny least squares solver targeting extreme performance on repeated minimizations

Primary LanguageC++

NOTE! This is not fully working just yet so I don't advise using it!

Tiny Solver

A tiny least squares solver targeting extreme performance on repeated minimizations of small dense problems.

Why Tiny Solver?

What distinguishes Tiny Solver from other implementations of least squares minimization is the following

  • The user's cost function is directly inlined into the Levenberg-Marquardt minimization, eliminating function call overhead and exposing more optimization opportunities to the compiler.
  • All memory is pre-allocated separately from the minimization, enabling repeated minimization with zero allocations.
  • The code is short, simple, only depends on Eigen, is usable as a single header-only library (no separate compilation), and has a liberal license.

An example application of Tiny Solver is computing the camera warp inverse on a per-pixel basis; in this case, the goal is to map each post-warp pixel back to the source image. This involves doing a LM minimization for every pixel in a potentially large (4K) image; in this case, Tiny Solver is ~15x faster than Ceres Solver. Blender uses a predecessor of Tiny Solver for this task.

How is Tiny Solver different than Ceres Solver?

  • Ceres targets large sparse and dense solving, but substantial overhead is incurred for each solve
  • Tiny Solver targets small dense solving exclusively, but has zero overhead in repeated solves
  • Ceres has an incredibly numerically robust LM loop (maybe best in industry)
  • Tiny Solver has a "good enough" LM loop for the applications Tiny Solver is needed for

See also: Ceres Solver - http://ceres-solver.org/