Image Management Application

This application allows users to manage images through a grid view with pagination and search functionalities. Users can also add new images using a form.


  • Pagination: Navigate through multiple pages of images.
  • Search: Search for images by title with a 'no results found' state.
  • Accessibility: Fully keyboard navigable and accessible components.
  • Form for Adding Images: Add new images with a form (title, description, image path).
  • Responsive: Ensures a great experience on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • No Data or No Search View: Displays appropriate messages when there are no images or no search results.
  • Storybook Implementation: Storybook has been implemented following the atomic structure.


  • Storybook Implementation: Storybook has been implemented following the atomic structure.

Linting and Prettier

  • ** ESLint/Prettier implementation: Added ESLint and Prettier to the project to enforce coding standards and formatting.

Setup and Installation

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd your-repo
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Start the development server: npm start
  4. Run StoryBook: npm run storybook

Limitations and Challenges

Despite the setup efforts, I encountered issues when trying to deploy the project. Below is a summary of the problems faced:

  • Module Resolution Issues: After configuring tsconfig.json with baseUrl, numerous module resolution issues occurred, causing the build to fail in the production environment. Inconsistent Environments:

  • The application worked perfectly in the development environment but failed to resolve paths correctly in the production environment.

  • Attempted Fixes: Tried using relative paths, setting up jsconfig.json, and modifying import paths, but each approach had its own set of issues, leading to deployment failures.

  • Vite Compatibility: I could not use Vite due to an unresolved conflict with msw.

  • Testing: I faced issues with configuring the tests and was unable to resolve them within the given time frame. As a result, test coverage is incomplete.