
Primary LanguageJavaScript

About Coin Vault Production: Current Version: 1.0 Live: coinvault.herokuapp.com

Data Feed: Quandl

Build: to prepare the files, run gulp in project directory. Deploy: Heroku with a php build config deploys a production version to coinvault.herokuapp.com

Analytics: Keen Error Tracking: Track.js

Phonegap: Mobile packaging was attempting but Phonegap constantly rejected our valid certificates for iOS even though valid credientials were generated.


Our team implemented a new Sign Up and Log in Process with Javascript and Parse database. We also gave our customers an additional options of signing in through their Facebook account to have an easier and faster tool to sign up. After creating an account with an unique username and email, it will direct the user to the main dashboard where the user will be able to see the current prices for Gold, Silver, and Platinum as well as their current Gold Totals.

In order to build the CRUD for our assignment, we utilized Parse and our own API to handle our backend applications as well as the operations on our webpage. We initially ran into problems using Parse, for example we had difficulties generating tables from read items, querying the right object, handling where an object exists, passing objects between different pages, etc. Additionally, a big issue we ran into was creating user's individual stacks and figuring out how to deal with the issue when Parse was deleting items too fast which caused some syncing issues.

We initially had difficulty implementing the graph on our website as we tried to incorporate data from Quandl with ChartJS. We grabbed the data from Quandl using PHP, however, we had a hard to decifering how to transfer that data over to our JS file that handled the creation of our graphs. Since none of us had previous knowledge of PHP, JSON, or AJAX, it took extensive research in order to create a functioning graph that pulled the data from Quandl. With the help of Cloud coding, as well as tweaking some our intial findings from the web, we finally were able to graph the data we retrieve from Quandl for Gold and other metals involved. In order to display the graph, we also had to use Heroku in order to run the PHP data from the server-side.

Assumption - We didn't know the exact times for bullion trading so we made the open and close times from 6am to 1pm.

GRAPH - When adding coins, the user must specify the purchase date. Since quandl does not include weekends, if the user specifies a coin with a purchase date on the weekend, no change will be present on the graph until the next weekday.

We had an incredibly hard time making the graphs dynamic when adding new coins. Since we had to reverse some of the data due to the nature it was originally received, and used that reversed data with parse, we were having syncing problems. One would sometimes finish before the other and cause the dynamic graph results to be reversed. This only happens sometimes, and is dependent on how fast parse responds, and we are looking for a solution to this.

The My Gold page graph is fully functional, however we are having trouble converting the same graph for the silver and platinum pages. You can still create, update, and delete for all three types of metals, but the dynamic graphs are not fully functional like the gold graph is. We are looking for a solution to this as well.


Pretty Straight forward

all html files besides index.html are in the src folder.

Index.html - Start Page, where everyone can sign up and login Dashboard.html - Home page after login. Users can see the bullion prices and the total costs goldoverview.html - This page along with platinum and silver overview are for those specific metals. myitem.html - By clicking on each item, you will be taken to this page where you will be able to see all the information of the coin. updateItem.html - This is the page where the user can update or delete the coin.

VALIDATION ISSUES (Same issues as stated in DREAM TEAM's initial pages.)

HTML: The HTML validation errors that we have are existing ones that came with the Dream Team's wireframes.

CSS: The errors in CCS validation were broken down into only two problems:

Property fill Doesn't Exist:
	CSS3 validator doesn't recognize fill as a valid attribute, but
	as we tested it with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and IE, we're willing
	to forgo solving of this validation flag to implement the fill 
	attribute. After some further research, this seems to be a bug in 
	the validator, much like the one that will be described next.

Calc() parse errors:
	Anywhere we used calc() in our CSS, the CSS validator threw a parse
	error. However, with research, we determined that this was a bug with 
	the CSS validator. 

	Source: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=18913

Cross-Platform Issues

Chrome: We mainly developed on Chrome, so this is the basis of comparison for all other browsers

Firefox: The functionality of the webpage on firefox remained the same from Chrome. The main differences between the two browsers were the notable differences in text and style. These differences were strictly appearances and not too major.

Safari: The functionality between Chrome and Safari remained mostly identical throughout. One notable difference was that on the addItem.html page, the drop down calendar bar for the purchase date was not compatible in Safari. However one thing I did notice is that there were a few physical differences between the two browsers. The fonts between the two looked slightly different as well as the shades of whites/gray were different as well. This wasn't a big issue by any means but worth reporting.

Another thing we noticed is that Safari renders fonts a little bit 
differently from all the other browsers, and especially font-size. We used
font-size: 0 to bring some divs flush close to each other but on Safari
that doesn't work for some strange reason, so we compensated with some
white-space: nowrap so that our mobile toggling selectors didn't overflow.

Internet Explorer: IE7 doesnt support html 5 and we chose not to use anything that auto corrects it to support our browser. It looked completely different than how it is originally supposed to look and feel. It is not optimized to work on Internet Explorer for now.

Opera: Logging in via facebook doesn't show any of the graphs. There is a short glitch where a value will appear while switching between pages when it's not your original value. The entire function of the website is in the mobile version.

KNOWN ERRORS index.html - When resizing the website to a small page, the buttons on the Log in and Sign up pages clump up together. It is not optimized for smaller screens.

GRAPH - sometimes when adding new coins to the stack, the graph will not show the new total until you refresh the page.

When calculating daily percentage, we weren't able to figure out how to achieve/preserve the previous days total amount to calculate the percentage.

When adding coins/bullions from the platinum or silver page, it will redirect the user to Gold Overview. The coin does get properly added to the appropriate stack however.