
QUT CAB403 (Systems Programming) - Assignment 1

Primary LanguageC

CAB403_Assign1 - Distributed Minesweeper

To launch the project, download the repository and ensure the pthreads library is installed on your system.

The program comes with a make file, which is simply run by running make in the directory. This will output two files, with the following run instructions:


  • To run the client requires two parameters, the IP on which the server is running, and the port on which it is running. This IP must be a local IP and apart of the current subnet. localhost may be used instead, if necessary.
  • Example ./client 1901


  • To run the server requires one parameter, the port on which to run the server. If this parameter is not supplied, the default port will be used, which is currently set to 1901. This port will be required to be given to all prospective users so that they can connect to the server.
  • Example ./server 1588