Eccehomo-cv : LaTeX resume template with multi-language support

Manuel Vonthron - <manuel DOT vonthron AT acadis DOT org>
Version 1.0 - 2011


  • Copy (or link) the eccehomo-cv folder in your LaTeX distribution directory
    executing locate xkeyval.sty should give you a hint
  • Update the TeX index with texhash. You may need to be root.

Basic usage

  • \usepackage[en]{eccehomo-cv}

  • \author{}

  • \printmargin{}

  • \headline{}

  • \lastupdated{}

  • section environment

  • \subsection

  • \place{}

  • \position{}

  • \item{}

Multi-language usage

This is a work in progress. Only french-english combination is supported at this time. More info soon.

There are two ways of providing translated content. For now, each command only accept one of them:

  • Optional language argument:
\subsection[en]{This is a subsection}
\subsection[fr]{Ceci est une sous-section}
  • Localized content array:
\begin{section}{en={This is a section}, 
                fr={Ceci est une section}}