TodoWoo - Django Project with REST API and Token Authentication

TodoWoo is a web application that create a ToDo List. The application has a Rest API built with Django Rest Framework - DRF. The API allow us to manipulate all application via CUrl commands, without the need to access the graphical interface generated by the DRF.

The API and the JSon Web Token - JWT Login, was developed by me during the course "Creating Python APIs Like a BOSS" by ZappyCode. The web application already has been created by Nick from ZappyCode. So our task was to create an API for an existing application.

Course: Creating Python APIs Like a BOSS - The Django REST Framework


  • Home Page  
  • Creating a New Todo  
  • Creating a new user through CUrl Comand and Receive the User's Token
curl -X "POST" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"username":"test_user","password":"abc123"}'


  • Creating a new ToDo through CUrl
curl -X "POST" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Token 4c38b8e43682f5d2e4046ff2545fb349a6e4ca87' -d '{"title": "ToDoTest","memo": "","important": true}'

Getting started

To run the project, you will need to install the following software:


  • Create ToDo
  • Complete ToDo
  • Delete ToDo


Marcos Garcia