
TelegramBots written in Python

Primary LanguagePython


Using Python Bot

Available Commands:
  • /enviaKickstarter: Send random project in KickStarter about python.
  • /enviaQuiz: Send random question about python.
  • /enviaFace: Send random post of facebook fan pages: Python Brasil, Loucos por Python, Minuto Python.
  • /enviaArtigo: Send random post about Python.
  • /enviaGithub: Sends a random python repository.
  • /buscarGithub "Text": Type text to search for a repository on github without quotes.
  • /enviaStack: Sends a random stackoverflow about Python.
  • /sobrePython: Send Wikipedia article about Python.
  • /enviaTwitter: Send a recent tweet with the hashtag Python.

Using Instagram Bot

Available Commands:
  • /hashtag newyork To sending random photo with hashtag.
  • Send location (only on smartphone) to get a photo near you.


Available Commands:
  • /enviarSMS 5511999999999 Hello: Send an SMS to any Brazil cellphone. Need an account in Sinch and credits, do not use App in Sandbox.

Wallpapers Bot

Available Commands:
  • /randomwall: Send random wallpaper.