
Goal: To simulate a drivetrain moving forwards 3 meters in autonomous using PID

Use the DifferentialDrivetrainSim class as part of the physics simulation in WPILIB

Write the PID loop from scratch without using the WPI or CTRE libraries for PID Resources for PID:

  • Put all of your code inside
  • Use Shuffleboard to plot your motor output and error while tuning PID
  • Mess around with the gains for P, I , & D and see how changing each one affects your output

Additional Information:

  • Robot Mass: 150 pounds
  • Wheel radius: 3 inches
  • Track Width: 20 inches
  • Gear Ratio: 10:1. (10 rotations of the motor = 1 rotation of the wheels)
  • Ticks/Revolution: 4096 (ticks are the unit of the encoder, 4096 encoder ticks = 1 rotation)
  • Moment of Inertia: 7.469
  • Drivetrain Motors: 2 Falcon 500's on each side.

Make sure to pay attention to units

Create a branch of this repository with your name as the branch title. To turn your code in, make a commit titled "DONE" in your branch.