Library used for vue 3 so users can edit table columns according to their wishes.
Install from npm
npm i vue3-flexi-data-table
Import style
import 'vue3-flexi-data-table/style.css';
Use table for show data
import { DynamicTable } from 'vue3-flexi-data-table';
Use tool edit for build columns
import { TableEditor } from 'vue3-flexi-data-table';
// field type
enum VfType {
DATA = 'DATA', // use for get data of data table
SYMBOL = 'SYMBOL', // use for separator
ACTION = 'ACTION', // use for action button
ICON = 'ICON', // use for icon image
// model - interface of virtual field
interface VfField {
vfTitle: string; // variants of field show, can same vfActualFieldTitle if have 1 variants
vfCode: string; // field code unique
vfType: VfType; // field type above
vfAcutalField?: string; // field of data table
vfActualFieldTitle?: string; // title of field
enum?: {[key: string]: string | number}; // enum value | eg: 1: "Nam", 0: "Nữ"
value?: string; // use for vfType = SYMBOL, ICON | Symbol value: space: ' ', newline: '<br/>',... | ICON = url of icon
templateShow?: string; // custom for return value, format `MSV: {{value}}`, with: {{value}} = vfAcutalField (use for basic data type) | when vfAcutalField has type = array format: `MSV: {{$item}}`, with {{$item}} value of each item value
vfRenderFunc?: (row: any, column: VfField, index: number, calFunc: string) => string; // function custom return value for show, can return html, use for show custom format
// model of column
export interface Column {
title: string; // title of header
fieldCodes: string[]; // array of vfCode
width?: string; // todo
align?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right'; // align
vAlign?: 'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom'; // vertical align
cssHeader?: string; // todo
cssValue?: string; // todo
isDrag?: boolean; // use for edit table, if it is true => header, value are color red, maybe you don't need to care
Name | Type | Require | default | Explain |
fixed | boolean | false | false | Fixid header of table |
height | number | when fixed is true | 0 | show scroll when actual height > this value |
columns | VfField[] | true | [] | columns |
templates | VfField[] | true | [] | Includes: - vfFields - actions - icons |
The event that will be received when you click on the field is ACTION
Name | values | Explain |
onCta | function(action: string, row: any, index: number) | - action : fieldCodes of field has vfType = ACTION- row : data full of row- index : index of row |
Name | Type | Require | default | Explain |
v-model | Column[] | true | [] | columns of table |
vfFields | VfField[] | true | [] | fields define of data table |
actions | VfField[] | false | [] | define list actions |
icons | VfField[] | false | [] | define list icons |
Full code used
<DynamicTable fixed :height="250" :columns="columnsEdit" :templates="[...vfFields, ...icons, ...actions]" :data="data" @onCta="onCta" />
<hr style="margin: 20px 0 0"/>
<div class="grid">
<div class="grid-item">
<h4>Build columns</h4>
<TableEditor v-model="columnsEdit" :vfFields="vfFields" :actions="actions" :icons="icons" />
<div class="grid-item">
<h4>Template columns</h4>
<textarea v-model="vfFieldsEdit" class="custom-scroll" />
<div class="grid-item">
<h4>Table data</h4>
<textarea v-model="dataEdit" class="custom-scroll" />
<div class="grid-2-col">
<div class="grid-item">
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Columns</h4>
<div class="box column-out custom-scroll">
{{ columnShow }}
<div class="grid-item">
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Actions log</h4>
<div class="box column-out custom-scroll">
<pre>{{ actionSelects.join('\n') }}</pre>
<script setup lang="ts">
import 'vue3-flexi-data-table/style.css';
import { computed, ref } from 'vue';
import { DynamicTable, TableEditor, VfType } from 'vue3-flexi-data-table';
import type { VfField, Column } from 'vue3-flexi-data-table';
const vfFields = ref<VfField[]> ([
vfTitle: 'Mã SV',
vfCode: 'id',
vfType: VfType.DATA,
vfAcutalField: 'id',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Mã SV',
vfTitle: 'MSV: {{value}}',
vfCode: 'id2',
vfType: VfType.DATA,
vfAcutalField: 'id',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Mã SV',
templateShow: 'MSV: {{value}}',
vfTitle: 'Func Show',
vfCode: 'idFun',
vfType: VfType.DATA,
vfAcutalField: 'id',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Mã SV',
templateShow: 'MSV: {{value}}',
vfRenderFunc: (row: any) => {
return `ID: <strong style="color: #F00">${}</strong>`;
vfTitle: 'Họ Tên',
vfCode: 'name',
vfType: VfType.DATA,
vfAcutalField: 'name',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Họ tên',
vfTitle: 'Tuổi',
vfCode: 'age',
vfType: VfType.DATA,
vfAcutalField: 'age',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Tuổi',
vfTitle: 'Giới tính',
vfCode: 'gender',
vfType: VfType.DATA,
vfAcutalField: 'gender',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Giới tính',
vfTitle: 'Giới tính color',
vfCode: 'gender2',
vfType: VfType.DATA,
vfAcutalField: 'gender',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Giới tính',
vfRenderFunc: (row: any) => {
return `<span style="color: ${row.gender === 'Nam' ? 'red' : 'blue'}">${row.gender}</span>`;
vfTitle: 'Ngành học',
vfCode: 'major',
vfType: VfType.DATA,
vfAcutalField: 'major',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Ngành học',
vfTitle: 'Khóa học default',
vfCode: 'courses',
vfType: VfType.DATA,
vfAcutalField: 'courses',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Khóa học',
vfTitle: 'Khóa học dọc',
vfCode: 'courses2',
vfType: VfType.DATA,
vfAcutalField: 'courses',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Khóa học',
templateShow: '<div>{{$item}}</div>',
vfTitle: 'Khóa học Func',
vfCode: 'coursesFunc',
vfType: VfType.DATA,
vfAcutalField: 'courses',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Khóa học',
vfRenderFunc: (row: any) => {
return' | ');
vfTitle: 'Điểm trung bình',
vfCode: 'gpa',
vfType: VfType.DATA,
vfAcutalField: 'GPA',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Điểm trung bình',
vfTitle: 'ĐTB: {{value}}',
vfCode: 'gpa2',
vfType: VfType.DATA,
vfAcutalField: 'GPA',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Điểm trung bình',
templateShow: 'ĐTB: {{value}}',
vfTitle: 'Trạng thái',
vfCode: 'status',
vfType: VfType.DATA,
vfAcutalField: 'status',
enum: {
dropout: 'Thôi học',
studying: 'Đang học',
graduate: 'Tốt nghiệp'
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Trạng thái',
vfTitle: 'Tỉnh/TP',
vfCode: 'provinceName',
vfType: VfType.DATA,
vfAcutalField: 'address.provinceName',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Tỉnh/TP',
vfTitle: 'Quận/Huyện',
vfCode: 'districtName',
vfType: VfType.DATA,
vfAcutalField: 'address.districtName',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Quận/Huyện',
const actions: VfField[] = [
vfTitle: 'Xem',
vfCode: 'detail',
vfType: VfType.ACTION,
// vfAcutalField: 'detail',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Xem',
vfTitle: 'Sửa',
vfCode: 'update',
vfType: VfType.ACTION,
// vfAcutalField: 'update',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Sửa',
vfTitle: 'Xóa',
vfCode: 'delete',
vfType: VfType.ACTION,
// vfAcutalField: 'delete',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Xóa',
vfTitle: 'Đổi giới tính',
vfCode: 'chagnegender',
vfType: VfType.ACTION,
// vfAcutalField: 'chagnegender',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'Đổi giới tính',
const icons: VfField[] = [
vfTitle: 'bookmark',
vfCode: 'bookmark',
vfType: VfType.ICON,
// vfAcutalField: '',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'bookmark',
value: '/icons/bookmark.png',
vfTitle: 'envelope',
vfCode: 'envelope',
vfType: VfType.ICON,
// vfAcutalField: '',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'envelope',
value: '/icons/envelope.png',
vfTitle: 'home',
vfCode: 'home',
vfType: VfType.ICON,
// vfAcutalField: '',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'home',
value: '/icons/home.png',
vfTitle: 'marker',
vfCode: 'marker',
vfType: VfType.ICON,
// vfAcutalField: '',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'marker',
value: '/icons/marker.png',
vfTitle: 'paper-plane',
vfCode: 'paper-plane',
vfType: VfType.ICON,
// vfAcutalField: '',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'paper-plane',
value: '/icons/paper-plane.png',
vfTitle: 'phone-call',
vfCode: 'phone-call',
vfType: VfType.ICON,
// vfAcutalField: '',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'phone-call',
value: '/icons/phone-call.png',
vfTitle: 'settings',
vfCode: 'settings',
vfType: VfType.ICON,
// vfAcutalField: '',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'settings',
value: '/icons/settings.png',
vfTitle: 'star',
vfCode: 'star',
vfType: VfType.ICON,
// vfAcutalField: '',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'star',
value: '/icons/star.png',
vfTitle: 'user',
vfCode: 'user',
vfType: VfType.ICON,
// vfAcutalField: '',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'user',
value: '/icons/user.png',
vfTitle: 'users-alt',
vfCode: 'users-alt',
vfType: VfType.ICON,
// vfAcutalField: '',
vfActualFieldTitle: 'users-alt',
value: '/icons/users-alt.png',
const vfFieldsEdit = computed({
get(): string {
return JSON.stringify(vfFields.value, null, 2);
set(value: string) {
vfFields.value = JSON.parse(value);
const data = ref([
id: 1,
name: "Nguyễn Văn A",
age: 20,
gender: "Nam",
major: "Khoa học máy tính",
GPA: 3.5,
courses: ["Introduction to Programming", "Data Structures", "Algorithms"],
status: 'dropout',
address: {
prorinceId: 1,
provinceName: 'Hà Nội',
districtId: 1,
districtName: 'Hoàng Mai',
id: 2,
name: "Trần Thị B",
age: 21,
gender: "Nữ",
major: "Kinh doanh",
GPA: 3.2,
courses: ["Marketing", "Accounting", "Business Communication"],
status: 'studying',
address: {
prorinceId: 1,
provinceName: 'Hà Nội',
districtId: 2,
districtName: 'Cầu Giấy',
id: 3,
name: "Lê Văn C",
age: 19,
gender: "Nam",
major: "Kỹ thuật điện",
GPA: 3.8,
courses: ["Circuit Theory", "Digital Electronics", "Power Systems"],
status: 'graduate',
address: {
prorinceId: 2,
provinceName: 'HCM',
districtId: 1,
districtName: 'Quận 1',
id: 4,
name: "Lê Văn D",
age: 19,
gender: "Nam",
major: "Kỹ thuật điện",
GPA: 3.8,
courses: ["Circuit Theory", "Digital Electronics", "Power Systems"],
status: 'graduate',
address: {
prorinceId: 2,
provinceName: 'HCM',
districtId: 1,
districtName: 'Quận 1',
id: 5,
name: "Lê Văn E",
age: 19,
gender: "Nam",
major: "Kỹ thuật điện",
GPA: 3.8,
courses: ["Circuit Theory", "Digital Electronics", "Power Systems"],
status: 'graduate',
address: {
prorinceId: 2,
provinceName: 'HCM',
districtId: 1,
districtName: 'Quận 1',
const dataEdit = computed({
get(): string {
return JSON.stringify(data.value, null, 2);
set(value) {
data.value = JSON.parse(value);
const columns: Column[] = [ { "title": "Mã sinh viên", "fieldCodes": [ "idFun" ] }, { "title": "Họ và tên", "fieldCodes": [ "name", "space", "minus", "space", "detail" ] }, { "title": "Ngành học", "fieldCodes": [ "major", "newline", "gpa2" ] }, { "title": "Khóa học", "fieldCodes": [ "courses2" ] }, { "title": "Địa chỉ", "fieldCodes": [ "districtName", "space", "minus", "space", "provinceName" ] }, { "title": "Giới tính", "fieldCodes": [ "gender2", "newline", "age" ] }, { "title": "Trạng thái", "fieldCodes": [ "star", "space", "status" ] }, { "title": "Actions", "fieldCodes": [ "detail", "space", "vertical", "space", "update", "space", "vertical", "space", "delete", "newline", "chagnegender" ] } ];
const columnsEdit = ref<Column[]>( => {
return {
isDrag: false,
const columnShow = computed (() => {
return => {
const { isDrag, ...columnInfo } = column;
return columnInfo;
const actionSelects = ref<string[]>([]);
const onCta = (action: string, row: any, index: number) => {
actionSelects.value.push(`Event: ${action} | index: ${index} | id: ${}`);
<style lang="scss" scoped>
pre {
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color: blue;
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display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 3fr 1fr 1fr;
h4 {
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margin-left: 10px;
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display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 4fr 1fr;
h4 {
margin-bottom: 10px;
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overflow-y: auto;
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textarea {
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Telegram: @tanmac
Skype: trai_12a1