
A Vaadin app which demoes the JDBI-ORM library

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JDBI-ORM demo using Vaadin

A demo project showing the CRUD capabilities of the JDBI-ORM ORM library. Requires Java 17+. Uses jdbi-orm-vaadin.

The Person entity is mapped to the database tables; inheriting from Entity and Dao will make it inherit a bunch of useful methods such as findAll() and save(). It will also gain means of providing all of its instances via a DataProvider. See the MainView Grid configuration for details.

See the live demo.


Please see the Vaadin Boot documentation on how you run, develop and package this Vaadin-Boot-based app.

To run the app, simply run the Main.main() method from your IDE.


To make things easy we'll use in-memory H2 database. We'll use the jdbi-orm-vaadin library to create Grid filters easily.

We will use Flyway for database migration. Check out Bootstrap on how the migration scripts are ran when the app is initialized.


You can also use the PostgreSQL database - simply set the JDBC_URL, JDBC_USERNAME and JDBC_PASSWORD env variables accordingly. To test out, you can start PostgreSQL in docker:

docker run --rm -ti -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -p postgres:15.2

That will create a database named postgres, username postgres and password mysecretpassword. Then set the env variables as follows:

export JDBC_URL="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres"
export JDBC_USERNAME="postgres"
export JDBC_PASSWORD="mysecretpassword"

To run tests on PostgreSQL, run Maven as follows:

$ mvn -C test -DargLine="-Dtest.postgresql"

The tests will start PostgreSQL in Docker using TestContainers automatically.


The easiest way to run the app in Docker is to run the app with the embedded H2 database. See the Dockerfile for more documentation on how to build the docker image and run it.

To run the app with PostgreSQL, the easiest way is to run PostgreSQL in a separate docker image, then connect the images. That's exactly what docker-compose.yaml is doing: it's starting the app in one Docker container, PostgreSQL in another, and connects them in a private network. It then configures the app via env variables to connect to the postgres machine running PostgreSQL. To run this setup, run

$ docker-compose up

This command will build this project in production mode, then create a Docker image out of that, and will run the app with Postgres.


Please see the Vaadin app with persistent PostgreSQL in Kubernetes article for an explanation how this works. In short, make sure that the necessary plugins are enabled:

$ microk8s enable dns hostpath-storage registry

Then, build the Docker image and push it to the Microk8s internal registry:

$ docker build --no-cache -t localhost:32000/test/jdbi-orm-vaadin-crud-demo:latest .
$ docker push localhost:32000/test/jdbi-orm-vaadin-crud-demo

Then, apply the Kubernetes config file:

$ mkctl apply -f kubernetes-app.yaml

You should be able to browse to localhost and see the app up-and-running.