NAME Email::Outlook::Message DESCRIPTION This module reads e-mail messages stored as .msg files (such as generated by Outlook), and converts them to Email::MIME objects. It also includes a command-line interface in the form of the msgconvert script. You do not need Outlook installed to use this module. VERSION 0.921 INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build install You may have to become root for that final step. DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules: Carp Encode Getopt::Long IO::String Pod::Usage Email::MIME - 1.923 or later Email::MIME::ContentType - 1.014 or later Email::Sender - 1.3 or later Email::Simple - 2.206 or later OLE::Storage_Lite - 0.14 or later For testing: IO::All Test::More COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright 2002--2020 Matijs van Zuijlen. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Email::Outlook::Message Perl module for reading Outlook .msg files