Google civil API Project

This is a web app that uses the Google Civic API to show people the offices and officials in their address. You can test out the API here.


Index Page

In my opinion, I always felt that to let users fill in all these information is like filling up a form, and that is quite boring. I wanted to make it like an interactive dialogue that guides the user through the process of retreiving the information of the officials. I used fullpage.js to add interaction feeling and breaking down different sections for users to fill in the parameters for the query.


Inputing the address is one of the most annoying experience to me. Also, the inconsistent format makes the page messy rightaway. According to some experiment with the API, I believe Google geolocates the address on its own, so for my side, I just tried to make sure that the input value isn't an empty string. For better usability, I assume that a lot of people are using Chrome, Firefox and Safari that are supporting autocomplete, so by adding "street-address" as an attribute value for the input text, the users can see autocomplete options.

For data integrity, we have to use encodeURIComponent() to make sure that all parameters are legit.

Here, I also made one of the most important design decision about whether to let user see offices information. I kind of hide it under the search bar as a default option, since I don't think this would be a heavy query that slows down the loading of the page. It also won't be a bother for people who doesn't want to see the table in my result page.


Levels and Roles

In the level page, I showed all the options and let user pick. By doing so, it adds a lot of trouble for users who might want to search for a lot of levels and roles. To avoid a lot of manual work, I added the short cut, "A" key, to toggle all options at the same time. I considered whether to switch page after people pick, but decided not to, since people might want to unselect one or two after selecting all of them, therefore granting user the control of switching to next question.

Although this kind of interface takes a larger amount of space, but compared to dropdown list, I would say this saves a lot more time, and gives user a quick instinct about what they are picking rightaway.

If the user didn't select any of the levels, I will assume they are not really sure what they care about, or they simply wants all of them here. I would say it's a fair argument since the representatives that people will be voting for, all of them belongs to an office. I will do the same thing for roles.

On the other hand, if the query that user input doesn't get back any result, I will redirect our users to the parameter page and ask them to add more input to their query. The error message will be styled by Bootstrap by using the <p class="bg-gander">, which will definitely catch users eye.

Result page

The basic requirement for this project is a single page application. However, I think the interactive selection process and the action of displaying data should be presented in different page. This gives people a sense of, going into the next step, and now it's time to take a good look about what I've searched for. The downside is that it would require a little more clicking to redirect the user back to the query parameter page.

In the result page, while offices being requested, I have two tabs, one for offices as a table, the other showing two columns view of officials. I put the officials tab as default tab and users would need to click on the other one to see offices. The reason is that I think people are more visual, they would be more interested in the face of the politicians.

For officials, I used React to render the same structure of elements only by passing different data. It gains usability of my code. To add a little more visual to the page, I added social media icons in front of their social media ID.

I am not sure whether it's my problem or not, but I have yet found an address that returns more than 10 offices even if I selected all of the parameters... however, I used fake data to develop this function. By setting a global variable var DEV_MODE as true, we will copy the data to three times of the original length, including offices and officials.

According to the requirement, we are suppose to provide our user with a function that shows them ten more. Instead of removing the original ones, I personally prefer to append it at the bottom of the original list(both for offices and officials). My opinion is that in this kind of list that show a series of sparse information, there is no need to provide this kind of pagination design. For example, if I am looking at some images, that does make sense to have its own page so that users can have a comprehensive experience and a space to enjoy this image and only the image. However, I don't think we have this need for showing this kind of data. Also, we all know that nowadays, people scroll way much more than clicking on buttons.



The images of different officials were of different size, I used the most common way to make them all preserve ratio. I put them in a <div> element as background image with attribute background-size as cover.

In order to prevent politicians missing profile pictures, I added a placeholder image under all of the images. If the real image fails to load, then users will only see the place holder. The place holder looks like this.

No Politician Image received


To add style to the page, I used some web fonts provided by Google. I believe the names are the most important part, so I enlarged the fonts and I gave party name another font since I believe it is a different category of information compared to address and phone numbers.

REF Google Font

Problems Encountered

Listener to form instead of the input

In the first page of the application, I wanted to trigger nextpage after user pressed Enter (after users fill in the address). At first, I set the keydown listener on the <input> element. However, the page always reloads itself and cleans up the form. After some Googling, the problem was setting the listener on the wrong element. Instead of setting the listener on the input, we should set it on the <form> element. This inlcudes both 1. pressing Enter while focusing on the input. 2. Clicking the Go! button with mouse.

Package Management

I used Gulp to pipeline all my resources, including copying them into production directoy and compiling higher level languages like Jade. It also helped me to re-render every time I update my source files, saving development time and better control of my own package.

I have three main directories including

  1. src, the folder where I program.
  2. .tmp, the folder where I put compiled js, css and html files for local testing.
  3. build, the folder where I put the compressed and concatenated version of code for production.

I use bower to install up-to-date packages and use gulp-inject to include them into header of my html files.


API Design

The API tested here has different result for

  1. selecting all the values for roles and levels and
  2. not selecting any of the values for roles and levels.

In detail, when I send a request to the server with


and with


gives me a different result. I am not sure the intention of this, but I think it's because some of the officials doesn't belong to any level. I decided to respect the original design of the API, and thus if the user didn't select anything, I will show all officials given back by the server.

Inconsistent Data

The data returned by the server often have missing values for phones, address, levels and roles. At first I assumed to have all of them values, but the javascript starts to be killed by running into undefined objects. I added checking before accessing values to solve the problem.

Future improvements

  1. It would be better if the tabs in the result page has an active and un-active state. Users could identify which page they're watching right away.
  2. Catch error when no result were returned or, internet problem.
  3. Error prevention, input validation
  4. Hide the secret key somewhere else.

Tested Address

I randomly picked them from Google map.

  • 207 Willey St, Morgantown, WV 26505, United States
  • 2313 Fairmount Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19130
  • 1450 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
  • 1714 Dixie Hwy, Louisville, KY 40210
  • 924 W Colfax Ave #101, Denver, CO 80204