
MSigDB gene sets

Primary LanguageR

MSigDB Gene Set Collections

This R package contains the MSigDB gene set collections (version 7.4 downloaded on August 9, 2021). To avoid a conflict with Bioconductor/msigdb, this package has been renamed to msigdbi. The official MSigDB website is https://www.gsea-msigdb.org/gsea/index.jsp.



To install a previous release of MSigDB v6.1:



See help documentation ?msigdb.genesets for how to loading the gene sets. For example, to load human gene ontology (GO) gene sets:

Result = msigdb.genesets(sets = c('c5.go.bp','c5.go.cc', 'c5.go.mf'), type = 'symbols', species = 'human')

To see all available gene sets, see variable


Examples of performing functional enrichment analysis with the MSigDB gene sets can be found in two packages:

1. GOtest, available at https://github.com/mw201608/GOtest
2. GOplot, available at https://github.com/ericaenjoy3/GOplot (to be updated to work with renamed msigdbi)