
a custom vscode development container for building latex documents

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Repository for building my custome VScode latex development container


  • intended to be used as a devcontainer in VSCode
  • TeXlive 2023, scheme-full
  • preconfigured chktex
  • preconfigured latexindent
  • git, uses host credentials by default
  • openssh-client, required for properly working with git. If used in vscode, shares host keychain.
  • gnuplot
  • bash with oh-my-posh for better shell
  • prerequistites for minted package installed, i.e. python, pygmentize


Build instructions

Build using -t to tag the image as devcontainer-latex:0.9.0 (Name should be changed later).

 docker buildx build  . -t devcontainer-latex:0.9.0
  • buildx is necessary to use the docker buildkit, which enables the usage of heredoc syntax for cleaner multiline commands.

For debugging, you can run the container and enter an interactive shell session:

docker run -it --rm devcontainer-latex:0.9.0 /bin/bash

After building, upload the new image:

docker image push noctuidus/devcontainer-latex:0.9.0

where noctuidus is the docker username.

(temporary) Notes and thoughts

  • ultimately, I want to use DockerHub or another online registry to distribute my image
  • must force myself to reduce usage of RUN
  • include git into final container: according to https://code.visualstudio.com/remote/advancedcontainers/sharing-git-credentials, vscode dev containers shares the host .gitconfig into the containers. The documentation says "copies", but my testing showed, that it is actually shared. However, from inside the dev container, there is only read access to the global git configuration. I have tested with the global .gitconfig and a local per-project override and it seemed to work.
    git config --local user.name "Testing Tester"
    start dev container and enter bash:
    # test local configuration
    git config --local --list --show-origin
    # shows:
    # ...
    # file:.git/config        user.name=Testing Tester
    # test global configuration
    git config  --list --global --show-origin
    # ...
    # file:/root/.gitconfig   user.name=Marc Weber
    # ...
    Reset the local change after testing from inside or outside container
    git config --local --unset user.name
    close the container and test the updated git config on host:
    git config --local --list --show-origin
    # does not show a line for user.name:
    I keep the mounting point in the docker-compose file as instructions on how to mount the global host .gitconfig from a custom location.

SSH agent

Install SSH agent on windows client

# as administrator
# Make sure you're running as an Administrator
Set-Service ssh-agent -StartupType Automatic
Start-Service ssh-agent
Get-Service ssh-agent

Configure SSH agent
