
Collection of Docker Images for Full Mailservice: SMTP/TLS + IMAPS + PostGrey + SPAM filter

MIT LicenseMIT


Collection of Docker images for full Mailservice: SMTP/TLS + IMAPS + PostGrey + SPAM filter; built using several subprojects.

Build the images:

docker-compose build


docker-compose up

Wait until the database is initialized and outputs:

postfixadmin-db_1 | 2021-06-10T19:41:31.466095Z 0 [System] [MY-010931] [Server] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections. Version: '8.0.25' socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' port: 3306 MySQL Community Server - GPL.

Open in Browser: http://localhost:8080/public/setup.php

Wait for a long time and create an admin.

The configured setup password is test123 — that's good for testing, not for production. To change it, set variable SETUP_PASSWORD in docker-compose.yml to anything else, e.g.: SETUP_PASSWORD: ChangeMe before you open http://localhost:8080/public/setup.php the first time (or delete the database, see below), then follow the instructions on the page and you get a new hash to set in SETUP_DATABASE.

If you use TLS, Configuration parameters are:

  • IMAP: SSL/TLS (port: 993)
  • SMTP: StartTLS (port: 578)
  • SIEVE: StartTLS (port: 4190)

Access rights for the volumes, if on a local filesystem, must be set to: 100:1000


Includes: https://github.com/mwaeckerlin/postfixadmin Includes: https://github.com/mwaeckerlin/postfixadmin-proxy

To upgrade the Postfixadmin by upgrading the image, you need to remove the mailservice/postfixadmin volume:

docker-compose rm -vfs
docker volume rm mailservice_postfixadmin

Completly delete the database (loose al data), rebuild and use the new distribuition:

docker-compose rm -vfs
docker volume rm mailservice_postfixadmin mailservice_postfixadmin-db
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

DoveCot IMAP

Includes: https://github.com/mwaeckerlin/dovecot


Includes: https://github.com/mwaeckerlin/postfix


Includes: https://github.com/mwaeckerlin/postgrey

Virus Scan (to do)

Frontend: Rainloop Web-Mailer

Modern Web-Mailer to be used as frontend. It is completly independent from the mail server, but it fits well together. Just go to the subdirectory rainloop and follow the instructions in the README.md, then configure your mailserver.

If you use TLS, Configuration parameters are:

  • IMAP: SSL/TLS (port: 993)
  • SMTP: StartTLS (port: 578)
  • SIEVE: StartTLS (port: 4190)

Includes: https://github.com/mwaeckerlin/rainloop