
PHP FPM service on port 9000 to be connected to mwaeckerin/nginx and optional mysql

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Docker Image for serving PHP

This image is about 34.1MB in size and has no shell, so it is small, fast and secure.

Serves PHP 8.1 FPM when attached to mwaeckerlin/nginx and optionally connects to mysql. Used to serve a PHP project.


Port 9000 exposes PHP-FPM. This port should not be exposed.


Mount the same PHP apllication directory to mwaeckerlin/nginx and mwaeckerlin/php-fpm in path /app.

See docker-compose.yml for a simple example:

  • run docker-compose build to build the example
  • run docker-compose up to start the example
  • browse to [http://localhost:8080/] to view the example
  • stop with key ctrl+c


A mysql instance or any other database can be linked as, e.g. mysql, respectively, so as a convention, the hostname of the mysql server shall be mysql. But since you will have to configure MySQL in your PHP application, it can be anything else, as long as it is correctly configured. So details depend on the usage.