I have repeatedly created the same code while creating lipa na mpesa online payments systems. This is the write time to stop the code repeating on every projects that involves payments. I decided not to become selfish and also come up with these package for the new developers and also the python developers in the industries.
mpesa_paymens is a python package thet contains B2C and C2B payments methods. It creates stk push and allows you to serve it with all the details of mpesa payments.
step 1 : Create Account On Daraja and have these details Bellow
step 2 : Pip Install The Library as bellow:
$ pip install mpesa-payments
Creating Object Mpesa That Carries all The Other Mpesa Details. Make sure you take these details from your .env files.
from mpesa_paymens.mpesa_paymens import MpesaPayments
mpesa = MpesaPayments(
Call these function to make payments
from mpesa_paymens.mpesa_paymens import MpesaPayments
mpesa = MpesaPayments(
"Sky Plus Softwares",
"Sky Plus Softwares Description of C2B Payments"
I assume that you understand the the call back url concepts.
This project is licensed under the MIT License
Email : onjombafelix1@gmail.com Phone : +254717713943