
C++ naming conventions and style guides used within Plume.

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Plume C++ Style Guide

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Naming Conventions

Class and struct names should be CamelCase.

Variable and function names should be all lowercase and separated by underscores (ex. int number_of_wheels).

In addition, the following prefixes should be used:

  • m_ for member variables
  • s_ for static variables
  • g_ for global variables

Note that function parameters have no special prefix.

Use ALL_CAPS for macro and enum fields only - not constants.


enum class ErrorCode
  // ...

Namespaces should also be all lowercase and separated by underscores (ex. namespace graphics).


Reference and pointer modifiers (& and *) always appear closest to the type.


// Free-standing variables
T* ptr;

// Function return types
T& operator[](size_t index);

// Function parameters
void set_value(T& value);

Curly Braces

Always place curly braces on newlines. This includes:

  • Class / struct declarations
  • If-else blocks
  • Try-catch statements
  • Switch statements
  • Function definitions
  • Etc.


if (condition)
  // ...


Use doxygen style //! comments above class and function declarations to describe their intended purpose / functionality.

Otherwise, use the standard // comment notation. Do not use /* */ for multi-line comments.

Class Structure

Use the public before protected before private order.

Within each block, items should appear in the following order:

  1. using declarations and typedefs
  2. Static functions
  3. Constructors
  4. Destructors
  5. Member functions
  6. Static variables
  7. Member variables
  8. friend declarations