
Pizza_Bay is a website that gives enables Esteemed customers order different pizzas of different tastes and delivered / picking up personally. The website also grants the customer to continue shopping even after making their orders.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project name



  • A website that individuals order Pizza and other delicasies they love.


  • Ian Mwalimu a Full-stack web developer

Setup instructions

  • You can fork the application from github
  • Open your terminal in your PC and type in the search button and search for terminal
  • Double click terminal to open it. Type pwd to see the point you are in your Pc.
  • Feed in the command sudo apt-get update. Then key in sudo apt Pizza-Bay


  • If the user keys nothing on the form it should display invalid format advising them to input the respective correct details.
  • The customer sees how much he/she will spend in their cart.
  • Customer is privilaged to be delivered the pizza to a certain amount
  • The Customer gets prompted to enter the Delivery location

Technologies used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • javascript
  • jQuery



[MIT] Copyright(Ian Mwalimu)