
This is a web application that takes a user's birthday and calculates the day of the week they were born and then depending on their gender outputs, their Akan Name details and display the week they were born using the akan system as it originates from Ghana where children are given their names that corresponds on the day of the week they were born.

Primary LanguageHTML

Project name

Akan Names


  • The project is an application that determines the week which an individual was born.
  • The application outputs the Akan names of the users depending on their gender.


  • Ian Mwalimu a Full-stack web developer

Setup instructions

  • You can fork the application from github
  • Open your terminal in your PC and type in the search button and search for terminal
  • Double click terminal to open it. Type pwd to see the point you are in your Pc.
  • Feed in the command sudo apt-get update. Then key in sudo apt Akan name


  • If the user keys in a date that is null or less than 2000 and they try o submit to get their akan names it should be redisplayed with an error message[Invalid date] advising them to input the correct details.
  • If the user keys an invalid month is the application should display Invalid month.

Technologies used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • javascript



[MIT] Copyright(Ian Mwalimu)