

Video Listing Video Detail AVPlayerView
Demo Demo Demo


  • Xcode 11.2.1
  • Swift 5.0
  • Minimum iOS version 13.2

Architecture at a Glance

I have used MVVM desigsn pattern in this project. I have made a network manager which will get video play list from local/remote store. currently we are getting it from local storage. I have created a custom AVPlayerQueue with custom layouts which can run the player as embedded or in a full screen. I have used Combine framework for observing properties.

Framework Used

  • Combine
  • AVFoundation
  • AVKit
  • UIKit
  • Foundation

Custom AVPlayerView Functionality

  • Play/Pause.
  • Full Screen.
  • More Play List items in full Screen.
  • show/hide of verlay using tap.
  • Timer of the video.


To build using xcodebuild without code signing

xcodebuild clean build -workspace "VideoStreamingDemo.xcodeproj" -scheme "VideoStreamingDemo" CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO


I have used MVVM design pattern in this project. MVVM follows a very clean architecture. It isolates each module from others. So changing or fixing bugs are very easy as you only have to update a specific module. Also for having modular approach MVVM creates a very good environment for unit testing. As each module is independent from others, it maintains low coupling very well. So, dividing work among co-developers are pretty simple.




VideoPlayerDemo is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.