
An Innovative Image Cropper with which you can crop and adjust your profile pictures

Primary LanguageSwift


An Innovative Image Cropper made in Swift with which you can crop your profile pictures, background images according to your requirements.


  • First Download the Example project from Github
  • Drag the WBImageCropper into your project Swift project
  • Conform to protocol pickedImageDelegate
  • Add these line where you want to include WBImageCropper like this


Just create a view controller for image cropping and set the delegate.

     let  board:UIStoryboard  = UIStoryboard.init(name:"Main", bundle:nil)
     let imageVC:WBImageCropperVC = board.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("WBImageCropperVC") as! WBImageCropperVC`
     imageVC.tempFrame = frame // Frame of your cropping rectangle
     imageVC.tempImage = image // Image you want to crop
     imageVC.cornerRadius = radius // Corner radius If you want a circular cropping 
     imageVC.delegate = self // Delegate that you will implement
     picker.pushViewController(imageVC, animated:true)


You have to implement two delegates

func didCancel(){
   print("Cancel is Called")
func didDone(croppedImage:UIImage){
  print("Your Cropped Image is ready here!")