tsconfig-paths transitive import bug demo

This is a cut down auto generated https://nx.dev/ monorepo containing a Vite2 app and two react libs (my-lib1, my-lib2).

For the purposes of testing transitive dep import failure, my-lib2 imports my-lib1.

apps/my-app/src/App.tsx has both working and broken code examples. It fails when only my-lib2 is imported, but works when both my-lib1 and my-lib2 are imported.

Paths are defined in root level tsconfig.base.json, with the app extending this in apps/my-app/tsconfig.json

Nx monorepos will typically use typescript project references to target different contexts (tests etc).

Have removed typical NX boilerplate and commands and wired up the sole app to the default vite commands.

To try it out

yarn install
yarn dev