The Lottery

The last solved challenge at 'Teaser CONFidence CTF 2019'.


The challenge is a REST API written in Go. It has a functionality of choosing a lottery winner along with the accounts management.

Package app


type Account struct {
	Name    string `json:"name"`
	Amounts []int  `json:"amounts"`

Basically, we may do two things with the account:

  • Account.AddAmount(50) adds provided amount (must be wihtin 0-99), also total number of amounts must be less than 5,
  • Service.LotteryAdd(account) signs user up to the lottery.

You have two options to get a flag - your account must:

  1. Be a millionaire (sum of amounts > 1,000,000),
  2. Be a lottery's winner.

Package transport

There is implementation of HTTP handlers and routing. All we need to know is: flag is served with the account of millionaire or lottery winner.


Let's take a look how exactly lottery works.

When we invoke Service.LotteryAdd method it passes the copy of account object to lottery. It means we have the same object (literally bytes) in two places: lottery (copy) and service (original).

The next step: lottery.evaluate loops over previously copied accounts and does:

amounts := append(account.Amounts, randInt(999913, 3700000))

Pretty cool. It adds a really big number (~1m) to account.Amounts. If only it could be saved at the 'original' account too...

Then it checks if total sum of amounts and our random number is equal to 1259264.

Solution 1 (brute force)

Regardless of added amounts to account, we have only one value that wins the lottery (in range 999913-3700000).

>>> 3700000 - 999913

Theoretically, to get a flag you may just create accounts and after LOTTERY_PERIOD duration check if this user is a lottery winner.

For each try we must do three HTTP requests:

  1. Create an account,
  2. Add account to lottery,
  3. After LOTTERY_PERIOD duration check if the account is a winner.

Let's do a quick math:

>>> 2700087*3        # total number of requests
>>> 8100261 / 2500   # divide by 2500 rps (are you capable of doing more?)
>>> 3240.1044 / 3600 # how many hours? 

As you can see, with a high confidence it was possible to get a flag within one hour! It wasn't intended solution, but probably some teams managed to use it. Congratulations though.

For more information, you can read the CTF Post Mortem:

Solution 2 (go slices)

Let's go back to previously noticed amounts append with a big number. So, how exactly does it work?

We append an Account's attribute which is a []int slice.

type Account struct {
	Amounts []int // This is a []int slice.

However, what's a slice? (Worth reading:

Definition of slice:

A slice is a descriptor of an array segment. It consists of a pointer to the array, the length of the segment, and its capacity (the maximum length of the segment).

Slice visualization

In fact, a slice is a pointer to the memory and not the memory itself! It means we are able to write to the original amounts memory while the lottery evaluation. However, slice is kind of like the vector in C++. If you will append the element over the available capacity, it will reallocate itself to the another bigger memory chunk. Therefore we must ensure, reallocation won't happen.

Our strategy is creating two slices which point to the same memory. We copy Account struct when adding to the Lottery, so the slice will be also copied. When it comes to the capacity - we need to have such length and capacity that append won't reallocate the slice (and just write to the memory). MaxAmountsLen = 4, so we may exploit it by capacity=4 and length=3. In this case adding another item will just overwrite fourth element.

Anyway, here is the code:

func HackLottery() {
  // Create new service.
  s := NewService(context.Background(), time.Millisecond, time.Minute)

  // Add new account.
  a, _ := s.AccountAdd()

  // Add '90' amount three times.
  s.AccountAddAmount(a.Name, 90)
  s.AccountAddAmount(a.Name, 90)
  s.AccountAddAmount(a.Name, 90)

  // Right now we have a slice with three values [90, 90, 90]
  // Do you know what's the capacity and length of it?
  // Length=3, Capacity=4.
  // It means that after the next 'append' we won't reallocate to the new memory.

  // We would like to extend our original slice to length=4 and then wait for
  // the lottery's append to overwrite the last item.

  // Add account to the 'Lottery'.
  // Immediately after extend 'amounts' slice.
  s.AccountAddAmount(a.Name, 90)

  // 'Lottery.evaluate' should overwrite the last element in the original amounts.

  // Does it work?
  a, _, _ = s.AccountGet(a.Name)
  fmt.Printf("%v\n", a.Amounts)
  // [90 90 90 1723342]
  // Yay, you are a millionaire.

Do you know why it doesn't work for slices with capacity less than 4?


$ python       


Which challenge was the coolest

Accordingly to the poll, 'The Lottery' was the second coolest challenge! Thank you.