
Converting pix map to grey map with assembler.

Primary LanguageC

Grey map and assembler

Input image (ppm format). Output image (pgm format).


A picture in the form of a pixel matrix is given. The color of each pixel is stored as 24 bits, 8 bits for each color (RGB). Write the procedure in Assembler which will convert the image into a grayscale using the weighted average.

Because the human eyes differently react to the colors, the coefficients for individual components cannot be the same, it is usually assumed:

  • 77 for red
  • 151 for green
  • 28 for blue

The coefficients sum up to 256.

The arguments of the procedure:

  • address to the matrix
  • matrix sizes: number of rows and columns.

It would be nice to be able to change the value of the color coefficients from the main program.


Write the main program (in C) which will load the PPM file and convert it to the appropriate matrix (you can use a library, as long as it does not contain errors ;-)). Then, you should trigger asm procedure. The resulting matrix should be converted back to a PGM file.