Interactive Map of Covid-19 US Cases by County
Creates a static and live/interactive html map (Click on the link!!!) using data from @nytimes that tracks the spread of Covid-19 by date and US counties. Please see @nytimes repository for information regarding the data and it's use.
A brief accounting of notebooks:
downloads all the shapefiles to create the maps. Only need to do this once and then can run the mapping files as much as you want. -
grabs the @nytimes data and creates.png
figures for cases and deaths over time for every county in the data set. These figures are then used in the hover tool for the interactive map. -
downloads, basic cleaning, merges with US Census shapefiles and Census data. It then generates a static map (using GeoPandas). -
downloads, basic cleaning, merges with US Census shapefiles and Census data. It then generates a interactive map (using GeoPandas) and (from Bokeh). -
Data from: Nytimes github repo Data from The New York Times is based on reports from state and local health agencies.
Interactive map with hover tool here: