Inline Angular2 HTML and CSS files into JavaScript ES5/ES6 and TypeScript files (and possibly more - not tested).
This plugin uses the ES6 template strings syntax by default (which requires the use of a transpiler -typescript, babel, traceur- to produce valid ES5 files) but you can opt-in for ES5 one.
Very convenient to unit test your component or bundle your components/application (avoid extra HTTP request and keeps your source clean).
- 0.0.8 adds Jade support (add
jade: true
to your config) - 0.0.6 adds support to style sheets
npm install gulp-inline-ng2-template --save-dev
You can pass a configuration object to the plugin.
defaults = {
base: '/', // Angular2 application base folder
html: true, // Process .html files
css: true, // Process .css files
target: 'es6' // Can swap to es5
indent: 2 // Indentation (spaces)
HTML extension is currently hard coded to .html
var inlineNg2Template = require('gulp-inline-ng2-template');
var result = gulp.src('./app/**/*.ts')
.pipe(inlineNg2Template({ base: '/app' }))
return result.js
Hello {{ world }}
.hello {
color: red;
import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2';
@Component({ selector: 'app' })
templateUrl: './app.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.css'],
directives: [CORE_DIRECTIVES]
class AppCmp {}
result (app.ts)
import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2';
@Component({ selector: 'app' })
template: `
Hello {{ world }}
styles: [`
.hello {
color: red;
directives: [CORE_DIRECTIVES]
class AppCmp {}
git clone
cd gulp-inline-ng2-template
npm install
npm run test-dev
- Append styles into
View config property if it exist - Add support for source maps
- Configure html files extension and quote/double string wrapper
- Add option