
Intron stability analysis in insects.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A small collection of short scripts used to analyse intron stability in insects.

Based on innsect data taken from the Darwin Tree of Life Project.

Data Availability: DToL Respository

Repository Contents

File Description
bladapter.py Library to handle standard blast output.
get_sequences.py Save full contig identified from a blast.
quick_seqs.py Quickly save full contiq identified from a blast.
make_tree_fasta.py Saves contig and sbjct sequence information ready for tree generation.
top_contigs.py Saves the top hit for each species.
filter_contigs.py Remove bad hits based on identities and expect value.


An example pipeline may look as follows.

 #add all species to a single fasta file

cat *.fasta >  all_species.fasta

#initial engrailed search

makeblastdb -in all_species.fasta -dbtype nucl -out first_blastdb

tblastn -query engrailed.fasta -db first_blastdb -out prelim_blast.txt

#save top hit for each species

python3 top_contigs.py prelim_blast.txt prelim_top.txt

#search the full contig for top hits

python3 quick_seqs.py prelim_top.txt prelim_contigs.fasta