C4-PlantUML-Themes autogenerated from ColorBrewer and Seaborn palettes
C4-PlantUML-Themes autogenerated from ColorBrewer and Seaborn palettes. See the C4-Plant UML Themes page for more information on the variables set by each theme.
' START - Handle local PlantUML render and remote hosting
!$THEME_NAME = cb_div_RdGy_9
!if (%getenv("LOCAL_EDIT_BLOG_ROOT") == "")
!$THEME_ROOT_PATH = "https://YOUR_HOSTNAME/resources/"
!$THEME_ROOT_PATH = %getenv("LOCAL_EDIT_BLOG_ROOT") + "/resources/"
!define INCLUDE(a,b) ##a##b
' Define the theme name we're going to use
!if (%getenv("LOCAL_EDIT_BLOG_ROOT") == "")
!theme $THEME_NAME from https://YOUR_HOSTNAME/resources/palettes
!theme $THEME_NAME from resources/palettes
!include INCLUDE($THEME_ROOT_PATH, c4-theme-common.puml)
' END - Handle local PlantUML render and remote hosting
where c4-theme-common.puml is as follows (depends on PlantUML PR 295 or later):