
marshals a struct type into a slice of CLI arguments.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


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go get github.com/mweibel/fmarshal

Package fmarshal marshals a struct type into a slice of CLI arguments.

Note: This package does not do any shell escaping. It just quotes flag values if quote is true.


type Args struct {
  Debug   bool   `flag:"--debug"`
  Level   string `flag:"--level"`
  Numeric int    `flag:"-n"`
  Omit    string `flag:"-omit,omitempty"`

a := Args{
  Debug: true,
  Level: "info",
  Numeric: 42
fmt.Println(strings.Join(MarshalFlag(a, true), " "))
// Output: --debug=true --level=info -n 42