M. Weissman and C. Wolanin WPI RBE595 Final Project Code 5/2/2024

Installations required in order to run the files: - pip install transforms3D - pip install numpy - pip install msgpack-rpc-python - pip install backports.ssl_match_hostname - pip install gymnasium - pip install stable-baselines3 - pip install airsim

Additional steps:

  • We ran this in an Anaconda environment, that is the recommended way to run this code. The python version is Python 3.12.3 with Anaconda3
  • Make sure the 'Block' environment is running once you run one of the python files.
  • Make sure the 'AirSim' Git repository folder is installed at the same location as the python files (Like in this GitHub repo)
  • To run one of the python files, either run from your preffered IDE, or run the file from a terminal with: python <>

Additional Information:

  • If there is an issue with not enough space required for the bufferm the 'buffer_size' value can be modified.
  • Repo is located at:
  • The individual file downloads are identical to the ones in the zip folder
  • Hi Navid :^)