Instagram SDK with Fluxible

Plug & play the Instagram SDK into your Fluxible App!

Inspired by fluxible-plugin-facebook


  • Works with webpack / browserify
  • Loads instagram SDK (from git fork) asynchronously (thanks to es6 Promises)
  • Shares configuration between server / client (means you can use environment variables)
  • Comes with a "do whatever you want" (MIT) license
  • Doesn't load SDK on server side


Add the module to your fluxible project :

npm install --save fluxible-plugin-instagram

Add it to your fluxible context :

import instagramPlugin from 'fluxible-plugin-instagram';

    appId: 'xxx' // client id


Add getInstagramSdk to the react's context :

Application = provideContext(Application, {

    // ...
    getInstagramSdk: React.PropTypes.func

From a component :

class FooComponent {
    // ...

    plop() {
        this.context.getInstagramSdk().then(Instagram => {
            // do your sdk magic here

FooComponent.contextTypes = {
    getInstagramSdk: React.PropTypes.func