- alexanderquispe
- artlesshao
- bertillepicard
- carolineledbetter@NextHealth-Technologies
- dcloyaCalifornia, United States
- djwtouw
- dorlev3
- grantmcdermottAmazon
- hardikudeshi
- iisabeller
- iron-hongSeoul
- ivanhigueramStanford, CA
- K-Maehashi
- keehyunparkSchool of Politics and Global Studies, Arizona State University
- Leo-Lee15China
- matthewolckersAustralia
- matuteiglesiasBuenos Aires
- mshijie
- nadyaarteeva
- naoki-egamiColumbia University
- owmork
- pasknUniversity of Bamberg
- pongtipan
- riccardo-df
- rnaimehaom
- SebKrantzKiel Institute for the World Economy
- soxvUniversity of Washington
- stefanfroth
- SZegotaKassel
- talegariGames24x7
- tetokawataUniversity of Tokyo
- tomoya-sasakiMIT
- vikjam
- XiangyunHuang@cosname
- xiaolong-y
- zz2585Toronto