
Program Teknic's ClearCore I/O and Motion Controller using Rust

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


This project is aimed at enabling the use of the Rust programming language to create embedded firmware for the ClearCore I/O and Motion controller produced by Teknic Inc.

This project is built on top of the project template provided by Teknic, instead of trying to reinvent the wheel (so that I can focus on making the ClearCore wrapper library).

If needed, you can access peripherals or ATSAME53N functionality not exposed by the ClearCore library using the atsame53n peripheral access crate on crates.io.

Since the ClearCore library is open source, it should be possible to re-implement it in Rust on top of the cortex-m and atsame53n crates, and that probably would be the better approach long term. However I wanted to get up and running in Rust sooner.

New: Renamed the wrapper library to clearcore-wrapper. I want to try to create a pure-Rust implementation built on top of cortex-m and atsame53n, and it will be called clearcore-rust



To build the Rust firmware you will need to have the Rust target thumbv7em-none-eabihf installed (e.g. using rustup).

Additionally, this project uses bindgen to create the raw ClearCore bindings, so there is a build-time dependency on LLVM (for parsing the C/C++ headers). You can get LLVM from the LLVM website. You will need to set the LIBCLANG_PATH environment variable pointing to the bin directory of your LLVM install.


To build the ClearCore C/C++ firmware you will need both Microchip Studio 7.0 with the following device packs installed:

  • SAME53_DFP version 1.1.118
  • CMSIS version 4.5.0

Unfortunately Microchip Studio 7.0 requires a Windows environment.


The ProjectTemplate folder is a template project that you can use to write your ClearCore firmware. It contains both a cargo project and an .atsln file. You should not need to modify any of the Microchip Studio files, they contain the startup code (inside the Device_Startup folder) and are only used to build the final firmware image.

The workflow is more or less:

  1. Rename ProjectTemplate and write your Rust firmware in it (using the clearcore wrapper and possibly the atsame53n PAC crates).
  2. Build the Rust code using cargo build or cargo build --release. This creates rustmain.a which supplies the main() method.
  3. Build the .atsln in Microchip Studio. This creates the actual firmware images (.elf, .bin, and .uf2 files).
  4. Use your desired tool (in Microchip Studio or using OpenOCD) to program the ClearCore.

Debugging works pretty much the same as for a C/C++ project, except that Microchip Studio doesn't have syntax highlighting for Rust code. Alternatively you can use OpenOCD/gdb/gdbgui with the Atmel-ICE debugger which does have Rust syntax highlighting.


  • Continue to build out the clearcore crate.
  • Figure out how to get Microchip Studio to invoke cargo build and create rustmain.a when hitting the build button.