
git clone

Create Supervisor Cluster Create Namespaces

tkg for tkg-workload-cluster
infrastructure-service for backend services

Create TK cluster : tkg-workload-cluster

Deploy Infrastructure Service

kubectl vsphere login --server "servername" --vsphere-username administrator@vsphere.local --insecure-skip-tls-verify
kubectl config use-context infrastructure-service
kubectl apply -f create-infrastructure-service.yaml
kubectl describe svc echo     (Note the Endpoint for local pod)

Deploy Test pod

kubectl apply -f create-pod-for-test-shell.yaml

Curl the Supervisor Infrastructure Service from the Shell Pod

kubectl exec -it shell -- /bin/bin
curl http://echo.infrastructure-service.svc.cluster.local

Find Load Balancer IP

kubectl get svc     Note this for later

Test Connectivity from Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster to Supervisor Cluster Service

kubectl vsphere login --server k8s.corp.local -u administrator@corp.local --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-name tkg-workload-cluster --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-namespace tkg --insecure-skip-tls-verify

kubectl config use-context tkg-workload-cluster

Enable RunAsRoot ClusterRole

kubectl apply -f ~/demo-applications/allow-runasnonroot-clusterrole.yaml

Create frontend-service namespace on tkg cluster

kubectl create namespace frontend-service

Create frontend-service that will proxy to Infrastructure service in Supervisor Cluster

vi create-local-proxy-service.yaml
    replace ${Service_cluster_Node_IP} in Endpoints with the External-Ip from Load Balancer Service 
kubectl apply -f create-local-proxy-service.yaml
kubectl describe svc echo -n frontend-service   (Note Endpoint is LB of Infrastructure Service in Supervisor Cluster

Deploy Test Pod and connect to Supervisor Infrastructure Service

kubectl apply -f create-pod-for-test-shell.yaml -n frontend-service
kubectl exec -it shell -n frontend-service -- /bin/bash
curl http://echo.frontend-service.svc.cluster.local

ACMEFit across TK Cluster and Supervisor Cluster Demo

Data Services will run in vSphere pods directly on ESXi hosts and all frontend services will run in Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster

Create Supervisor Namespace: distributed-acme-fit

From vCenter create namespace in Supervisor Cluster
    kubectl vsphere login --server "servername" --vsphere-username administrator@vsphere.local --insecure-skip-tls-verify
    kubectl config use-context distributed-acme-fit

Deploy Data Services onto Supervisor Cluster

Create Secret for Service to Auth to Redis data cache for cart service

    kubectl create secret generic cart-redis-pass --from-literal=password=VMware1!

Deploy Redis Cache:

    cd ~/demo-applications/echo-service
    kubectl apply -f cart-redis-total.yaml
Create Secret for Service to Auth to Mongo data cache for catalog service

    kubectl create secret generic catalog-mongo-pass --from-literal=password=VMware1!

Create Configmap to Initialize Mongo DB with catalog Items

    kubectl create -f catalog-db-initdb-configmap.yaml

Deploy Mongo Instance:

    kubectl apply -f catalog-db-total.yaml
Create Secret for Service to Auth to Orders Postgres DB

    kubectl create secret generic order-postgres-pass --from-literal=password=VMware1!

Create Postgres DB instance and Order service

    kubectl apply -f order-db-total.yaml
Create Secret for Service to Auth to Users Datastore (Mongo) and Users cach (redis)

    kubectl create secret generic users-mongo-pass --from-literal=password=VMware1!
    kubectl create secret generic users-redis-pass --from-literal=password=VMware1!

Create Configmap to Initialize Mongo DB with Initial Set of Users

    kubectl create -f users-db-initdb-configmap.yaml

Deploy Users Database and Users Service

    kubectl apply -f users-db-total.yaml
    kubectl apply -f users-redis-total.yaml

Get External IPs for Load Balancer Services

kubectl get svc     (Note the 5 External-IPs for use in creating Proxy Services on frontend TK cluster)

Create Frontend Services in TK Cluster

kubectl vsphere login --server k8s.corp.local -u administrator@corp.local --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-name tkg-workload-cluster --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-namespace tkg --insecure-skip-tls-verify

Create frontend-service namespace and set context on tkg cluster

kubectl create namespace distributed-acme-fit
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=distributed-acme-fit
kubectl config view --minify | grep ‘namespace: distributed-acme-fit’

Enable RunAsRoot ClusterRole

kubectl apply -f ~/demo-applications/allow-runasnonroot-clusterrole.yaml

Edit Selectorless service YAML files to point endpoints to the corresponding Supervisor Services

vi	cart-proxy-redis-total.yaml and change IP: field with external IP for cart-redis service in Supervisor
vi 	catalog-proxy-db-total.yaml and change IP: field with external IP for catalog-mongo service in Supervisor
vi	order-proxy-db-total.yaml and change IP: field with external IP for order-postgres service in Supervisor
vi	users-proxy-db-total.yaml and change IP: field with external IP for user-mongo service in Supervisor
vi	users-proxy-redis-total.yaml and change IP: field with external IP for user-redis service in Supervisor

Deploy Frontend Selectorless Proxy services on TK Cluster

kubectl apply -f cart-proxy-redis-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f catalog-proxy-db-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f order-proxy-db-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f users-proxy-db-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f users-proxy-redis-total.yaml

Verify Service and Endpoints
	kubectl get svc
	kubectl get endpoints

Deploy Service Pods on TK Cluster

kubectl apply -f cart-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f catalog-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f payment-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f order-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f users-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f frontend-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f point-of-sales-total.yaml

Go to Store UserInterface

kubectl get svc frontend and note the External-IP

From Browser: http://External-IP

Login as user: eric password: vmware1!