git clone
Create Supervisor Cluster Create Namespaces
tkg for tkg-workload-cluster
infrastructure-service for backend services
Create TK cluster : tkg-workload-cluster
Deploy Infrastructure Service
kubectl vsphere login --server "servername" --vsphere-username administrator@vsphere.local --insecure-skip-tls-verify
kubectl config use-context infrastructure-service
kubectl apply -f create-infrastructure-service.yaml
kubectl describe svc echo (Note the Endpoint for local pod)
Deploy Test pod
kubectl apply -f create-pod-for-test-shell.yaml
Curl the Supervisor Infrastructure Service from the Shell Pod
kubectl exec -it shell -- /bin/bin
curl http://echo.infrastructure-service.svc.cluster.local
Find Load Balancer IP
kubectl get svc Note this for later
Test Connectivity from Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster to Supervisor Cluster Service
kubectl vsphere login --server k8s.corp.local -u administrator@corp.local --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-name tkg-workload-cluster --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-namespace tkg --insecure-skip-tls-verify
kubectl config use-context tkg-workload-cluster
Enable RunAsRoot ClusterRole
kubectl apply -f ~/demo-applications/allow-runasnonroot-clusterrole.yaml
Create frontend-service namespace on tkg cluster
kubectl create namespace frontend-service
Create frontend-service that will proxy to Infrastructure service in Supervisor Cluster
vi create-local-proxy-service.yaml
replace ${Service_cluster_Node_IP} in Endpoints with the External-Ip from Load Balancer Service
kubectl apply -f create-local-proxy-service.yaml
kubectl describe svc echo -n frontend-service (Note Endpoint is LB of Infrastructure Service in Supervisor Cluster
Deploy Test Pod and connect to Supervisor Infrastructure Service
kubectl apply -f create-pod-for-test-shell.yaml -n frontend-service
kubectl exec -it shell -n frontend-service -- /bin/bash
curl http://echo.frontend-service.svc.cluster.local
Data Services will run in vSphere pods directly on ESXi hosts and all frontend services will run in Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster
Create Supervisor Namespace: distributed-acme-fit
From vCenter create namespace in Supervisor Cluster
kubectl vsphere login --server "servername" --vsphere-username administrator@vsphere.local --insecure-skip-tls-verify
kubectl config use-context distributed-acme-fit
Deploy Data Services onto Supervisor Cluster
Create Secret for Service to Auth to Redis data cache for cart service
kubectl create secret generic cart-redis-pass --from-literal=password=VMware1!
Deploy Redis Cache:
cd ~/demo-applications/echo-service
kubectl apply -f cart-redis-total.yaml
Create Secret for Service to Auth to Mongo data cache for catalog service
kubectl create secret generic catalog-mongo-pass --from-literal=password=VMware1!
Create Configmap to Initialize Mongo DB with catalog Items
kubectl create -f catalog-db-initdb-configmap.yaml
Deploy Mongo Instance:
kubectl apply -f catalog-db-total.yaml
Create Secret for Service to Auth to Orders Postgres DB
kubectl create secret generic order-postgres-pass --from-literal=password=VMware1!
Create Postgres DB instance and Order service
kubectl apply -f order-db-total.yaml
Create Secret for Service to Auth to Users Datastore (Mongo) and Users cach (redis)
kubectl create secret generic users-mongo-pass --from-literal=password=VMware1!
kubectl create secret generic users-redis-pass --from-literal=password=VMware1!
Create Configmap to Initialize Mongo DB with Initial Set of Users
kubectl create -f users-db-initdb-configmap.yaml
Deploy Users Database and Users Service
kubectl apply -f users-db-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f users-redis-total.yaml
Get External IPs for Load Balancer Services
kubectl get svc (Note the 5 External-IPs for use in creating Proxy Services on frontend TK cluster)
Create Frontend Services in TK Cluster
kubectl vsphere login --server k8s.corp.local -u administrator@corp.local --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-name tkg-workload-cluster --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-namespace tkg --insecure-skip-tls-verify
Create frontend-service namespace and set context on tkg cluster
kubectl create namespace distributed-acme-fit
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=distributed-acme-fit
kubectl config view --minify | grep ‘namespace: distributed-acme-fit’
Enable RunAsRoot ClusterRole
kubectl apply -f ~/demo-applications/allow-runasnonroot-clusterrole.yaml
Edit Selectorless service YAML files to point endpoints to the corresponding Supervisor Services
vi cart-proxy-redis-total.yaml and change IP: field with external IP for cart-redis service in Supervisor
vi catalog-proxy-db-total.yaml and change IP: field with external IP for catalog-mongo service in Supervisor
vi order-proxy-db-total.yaml and change IP: field with external IP for order-postgres service in Supervisor
vi users-proxy-db-total.yaml and change IP: field with external IP for user-mongo service in Supervisor
vi users-proxy-redis-total.yaml and change IP: field with external IP for user-redis service in Supervisor
Deploy Frontend Selectorless Proxy services on TK Cluster
kubectl apply -f cart-proxy-redis-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f catalog-proxy-db-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f order-proxy-db-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f users-proxy-db-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f users-proxy-redis-total.yaml
Verify Service and Endpoints
kubectl get svc
kubectl get endpoints
Deploy Service Pods on TK Cluster
kubectl apply -f cart-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f catalog-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f payment-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f order-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f users-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f frontend-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f point-of-sales-total.yaml
Go to Store UserInterface
kubectl get svc frontend and note the External-IP
From Browser: http://External-IP
Login as user: eric password: vmware1!