
A JSON database of 28k+ airports with ICAO/IATA codes, names, cities, two-letter country identifiers, elevation, latitude & longitude, and a timezone identifier

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A JSON collection of 28k+ entries with basic information about nearly every airport and landing strip in the world. ICAO codes used as keys. Each entry contains IATA code, airport name, city, two-letter ISO country code, elevation above sea level in feet, coordinates in decimal degrees and time zone.

"KOSH": {
    "icao": "KOSH",
    "iata": "OSH",
    "name": "Wittman Regional Airport",
    "city": "Oshkosh",
    "state": "Wisconsin",
    "country": "US",
    "elevation": 808,
    "lat": 43.9844017029,
    "lon": -88.5569992065,
    "tz": "America\/Chicago"

Time zones initially sourced from TimeZoneDB and updated using TimeAPI.